Market study & Business Development support

One of our expertise is focused on market research and business development support. Market analysis is key to collecting relevant data for accurate decision-making processes.

The smart port platform GISGRO needed market analysis support since they wanted to expand its digital services to more European ports. Cees-Willem, as project manager, conducted the research to answer this question: "How big is the market and to what extent is there a need for our 3D visualizations of the 'wet infrastructure'?"

After delivering the market analysis report, the results showed that there was a real need to introduce GISGRO in the market.

The market study was drawn up through many calls and team agreements with asset managers from various ports. This has been possible thanks to our broad network in international ports.

After the presentation of the report to GISGRO, AddVision was asked to provide support for promising introductions for the asset managers of ports.

Cees-Willem in de haven